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Frequently asked questions

Will it make my electricity bill go up?

Tiny amount yes, as it is yet another device that consumes electricity.

Roughly speaking, it takes about as much power as a Playstation 5 gaming console.

And that is so while it is actively cleaning, between cleaning it takes barely anything, as it is only running a few fans.

How long will the brushes last?

That is hard to say, depends a lot on the usage and the power setting.

On average, for personal use, about a year.

On average, for commercial use, about a month.

What if my brushes run out?

You can always order more

And with every device (DIY or Standard), there are will be instructions included on how to make more. (it’s still being made, but we will send it to you once it is ready)

Can I use this device to clean other material?

Yes, it will also work for most other ferrous materials.

Stainless steel has a lower electrical conductivity, than most other such metals.

Thus with other metals it would be a good idea to use a lower power setting.

Could I use a different form of payment?

We can certainly discuss it. Send us a message and let us know what type of payment would work for you.

Most likely we can figure something out that would work for both.

Do you also sell in bulk?

Yes, send us an email with your wishes and we can work out a deal that is beneficial for us both.

Will I still recieve my repair manual, even if i bought it last year?

Yes, if you bought it from us, we will send you the repair manual and its possible future updates, forever.

Is the chemical safe?

Yes, to an extent.

It’s a very mild acid mix, can be used without gloves, but better to wear some.

These same acids are even used in food products, just more diluted to match the required taste, still, don’t eat it.

How long will the chemical last?

If used about right then about as long as the brushes last.

On average, for personal use, about a year.

On average, for commercial use, about a month.

Can I order the chemical in a larger container?

We don’t usually sell larger containers. However we are willing to hear you out and see what we can do.

Also with every device (DIY or Standard), there are instructions included on how to mix more on the spot, including the right order, ratios, temps etc. (it’s still being made, but we will send it to you once it is ready)

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